Module 8
Social dialogue and working in partnership

a) References

Evers, B., Amoding, F., and Krishnan, A. (2014) Social and economic upgrading in floriculture global value chains: flowers and cuttings GVCs in Uganda. Capturing the Gains Working Paper 2014/42

Evers, B., Opondo, M., Barrientos, S., Krishnan, A., Amoding, F., and Ndlovu, L. (2014) Global and regional supermarkets: implications for producers and workers in Kenyan and Ugandan horticulture. Capturing the Gains Working Paper 2014/38. Available at:

UWEA. (Uganda Workers Education Association) (2011). ‘Developing strategies for change for women workers in African horticulture: The case of Uganda’ in Collaboration with WWW. Kampala: UWEA.

ITF. (2014). Action Guide on Violence Against Women. Available at:

ILO-APINDO (2012) APINDO to launch the Employers’ Guideline on Sexual Harassment at the Workplace. Available at: 

ITUC. (2015). Global Rights Index 2015 

ITUC. (2008). Stopping Sexual harassment at work: A Trade Union Guide

Oxfam. (2012). Guide to Ending Violence Against Women. Available at:

SOMO (Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations) and the India Committee of the Netherlands (2014) Flawed Fabrics: The abuse of girls and women workers in the South Indian textile industry.

United Nations. (2011). Expert Group Meeting Gender-Based Violence and the Workplace 13-14 December 2011 Background Brief. Available at:

UNFPA. (2013). Addressing gender-based violence. Available at:

Women Working Worldwide. (2013). Sexual harassment: feature on cut flower farms and factories. In ‘Women Working Worldwide: Promoting Women’s Voices From Around The Globe’.


b) Additional resources and further reading

ILO. Stop sexual harassment and violence at work guide for Cambodian workers.

Solidar. (2012). Social Protection for all – an action guide. Authors: Helga Jansen-Daugbjerg, Andrea Maksimovic, Jo Morris. Available at:

 ILO. (2011). Promoting Collective Bargaining Convention No. 154. Available at:

ILO. (2002). Promoting Gender Equality – A Resource Kit for Trade Unions. Available at: